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Welcome to Stephanie's Blog site. Hopefully this will be an informative site that will help me learn many things as well as teach you many things. I am about to embark on an Assistive Technology Adventure and would like you to join. See you there or here!!!!

Monday, 4 July 2011

July 4th Introduction to Assistive Technology

Today the class started off with an eye opening bang!!!!!  I am now more intrigued about all the technology that I am going to advocate for in my school when I return in September.  I do know that my principal is looking into purchasing IPads for the resource program so this will be a perfect fit.  I am now fueled to learn more to wow my team when teaching resource. 
The practice task analysis that we had to do made me think of how we can jump to a more difficult task with out looking at the inderlying aspects that we need to be looking at when working with children with varying needs.  When I am beginning to teach someone to read/write I don't think of all the basic tasks/skills that the student needs or may be lagging to perform a certain activity.  I am now looking at it from a different perspective from the very early stages to see where the actual breakdown is occuring with that student.  I will be assessing in more detail for their needs with respect to assistive technology. I think the apps that I can bring forth matched to a specific need will increase the learning tremendously.  I am looking forward to the task analysis work for reading tomorrow.
I found myself using my IPhone today for a number of things that I have not had the opportunity to do since I had the phone.  As soon as an app was mentioned that I knew would have been beneficial(just looked up how to spell that correctly on my Iphone) then I would download it to my phone with the excitment of using it in September.  I found directions on google maps, checked the weather and face timed with my family.  I am ccurrently trying to find an app to help me in my other course to do a photo-voice reflection or video log of my reflections.  Anyone know of anything that can help me?  Any ideas would be great!!!

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