Welcome Everyone!!!

Welcome to Stephanie's Blog site. Hopefully this will be an informative site that will help me learn many things as well as teach you many things. I am about to embark on an Assistive Technology Adventure and would like you to join. See you there or here!!!!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Well the writing task unfolded today and what a process it is!!!!  Many take for granted how easy it is to pick up a pencil to write not realizing how many processes your mind and body are going through before that pencil is even picked up.  It is an amazing task to accomplish when it comes easy tbut what if it doesn't?  How scary, devasting, burdening is to a writer who struggles?  It would be wonderful as an educator to analyze where the breakdown is in the writing process and find just the right remediation to alleviate all the anxiety that may come to these reluctant writers. This process has help me change my way of thinking when a child with a writing issue needs help.  I would like to be able to delve deeper and pinpoint the exact area of the problem.  I know this will come with years of experience but this is an awesome beginning and I am fueled to study the writing task anaylsis to better inform my collegues and even parents about the writing process.  I would like to have a bank of strategies, apps and sites that I can direct people to when they are looking for help or ideas.  I think the Writing Blog will be an awesome and useful tool that can be shared to others and I am looking forward to developing this as well as having others blogs for our personal professional development in this area.
Thank goodness my lifeline is back-you guessed it my iPhone!!!  You can really notice what you do with your phone the moment you are without it.  I did not get a chance to FaceTime with my family, check the weather, use the alarm to get up, get the news, play games plus a whole bunch more that I realize I do with my iPhone.  What would we ever do if all technology went down?  Brrr I shutter at the thought of not having all  this technology, not only what would we do personally but what learning opportunities would be missed!!!

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